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There are plenty of flooring options available, from comfortable carpet, to durable vinyl and laminate, to timeless hardwoods and tile. Selecting the right flooring and installing it properly can mean the difference between a smart investment and a disappointing outcome.

So we recommend choosing wisely! That's where AC Flooring can help, with expert local advice on your best options.

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When you're looking for the right flooring, there are many benefits to working with a local company. At AC Flooring, we are flooring specialists, knowledgeable about our products and able to put in the time to help you explore your options.

AC Flooring offers top after sales service, and can schedule installation with our in-house contractors. From design, to sales, to installation, you work with our dedicated staff from the day you walk in our showroom to the day you walk across your beautiful new floors.

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AC Flooring works with homeowners, builders, property managers and commercial building owners around Saskatoon and area. With our range of experience, you can trust that you'll get just what you need.

We are Saskatoon's insurance claims specialists, recommended by some of Saskatoon's largest home insurers as the company of choice for accurate and efficient claims quotes and installations.

If you have a large project, give our team a call.

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